Pernyataan Penulis/Manuscript Submission Form
Formulir Penyerahan Naskah
Manuscript Submission Form
Formulir ini terdiri dari dua halaman dan berisi hal-hal berikut/The form contains 2 (two) pages and has the following items:
- Formulir Pernyataan/Declaration Forms
- Formulir Perjanjian Hak Cipta/Copyright Agreement Forms
Nama Lengkap Penulis Utama/Name of the Corresponding Author in Full |
Alamat/Full Address of the Corresponding Author |
Kontak/Contact (If you reside outside Indonesia, please provide numbers with country/area IDD codes) |
Work Tel. : Mobile : Email : Alternate email : |
Nama/Name |
Institusi/Institution (e.g. Department, Faculty, University) |
Nama/Name |
Work Tel. |
Institusi/Employing organisation |
Nama/Name |
Kota, Negara/City, Country |
Catatan/Note: Penulis dapat mengusulkan nama mitra bestari dari dalam maupun luar Indonesia yang memiliki minat penelitian yang sama dengan penulis. Namun demikian, Mozaik tidak terikat dengan usulan penulis./Author(s) may suggest names of reviewers from any part of the world who are familiar with the author’s area of research. Mozaik, however, is NOT bound by these suggestions. |
I declare that the work submitted for publication is original/no plagiarism, previously unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. |
I declare that I do not copyright issues on the tables and figures presented in the manuscript. |
I declare that all authors have approved the authorship sequence, the content of the paper, and the release of the paper for publication. |
I declare that I have obtained ‘proof of consent’ from people and/or organization involved and named in my research (*for fieldwork only) |
Upon the final decision of the manuscript publication,I hereby grant to any publisher appointed by Mozaik Humaniora management a royalty-free, worldwide licence to publish, reproduce, store, and distribute the manuscript in print and digital form to public.
Subject to licence grant in point 1, I shall retain copyright right in the manuscript. I agree that third parties shall attribute Mozaik Humaniora when reproducing some parts or the whole manuscript.
Dengan menandatangani formulir ini, Anda mengerti isi pernyataan pada poin 5, menyatakan informasi yang diberikan benar adanya, dan menyatakan bahwa tanda tangan digital ini legal dan mengikat/By typing your name in the following space, you understand the declaration, accept the information as true and correct, and digitally sign this form as legal and binding. |
Tanda Tangan/Signature:
Anda juga dapat mencetak formulir ini, memberikan tanda tangan asli dan mengirimkan formulir yang sudah dipindai kepada kami. Alternately, you could print this form, provide your signature by hand in this space and return the scanned form to Mozaik. |
Date dd/mm/yyyy |
Terima kasih telah memilih Mozaik sebagai media publikasi Anda/Thank you for choosing Mozaik as your journal for publication. |
Formulir ini bisa diunduh di sini/you can download the form here: e7ebea480ef2779adfd3d46580e92470.doc
Jurnal Mozaik Humaniora
Terakreditasi B Kemenristek-DIKTI dengan Surat Keputusan No. 36a/E/KPT/2016 Tanggal 23 Mei 2016.
2016-07-23, Source : -