Jurnal Analisis Hubungan Internasional
ISSN 2302-8777
Vol. 5 / No. 2 / Published : 2016-06
Order : 19, and page :529 - 544
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Original Article :
Perubahan kebijakan luar negeri tiongkok terkait uji coba nuklir ketiga korea utara tahun 2013
Author :
- Mahrita*1
- Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
Abstract :
This research examines foreign policy of China regarding North Korea’s nuclear issue. The author questioning, why China approved the UNSC Resolution 2094 and agreed to impose sanctions on North Korea. By focusing on the identity level of analysis, the author emphasizes the ideational factors particularly self – image and strategic culture. These two variables influence China’s decision to change its foreign policy towards North Korea. The author hypothesized that the decision to support the Resolution and to implement sanctions againts North Korea cannot be separated from the aspiration of the political elites to actualize the national self – image as Responsible Major Power and the influence of strategic culture that makes China prefer to impose sanctions through UN Security Council framework. The bilateral approach through economic cooperation and political support in fact has been proven failed to stop the development of North Korea’s nuclear program. At the same time, China experienced a trust deficit from other countries due to its cooperation approach to North Korea is considered as major obstacle of the implementation of sanctions against North Korea. Therefore, the decision to support the implementation of Resolution 2094 and the sanctions is closely related to the motivation of enhancing the credibility as responsible major power. Furthermore, Chinese strategic culture which are defensive, non-interventionist, and the preference for multilateralism also become a strong determinant that influence China’s decision. Through the examination of strategic culture and its influence on China’s behavior in the multilateral forum such as UN Security Council, the author concludes that the decision to endorse harsher sanction is done through the forum of UN Security Council.
Keyword :
Foreign policy, Identity analysis, Self-image, Responsible major power, Strategic culture,
References :
Booth, Ken,(1990) The Concept of Strategic Culture Affirmed - : St. Martin Press
Archive Article
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![]() Volume : 5 / No. : 2 / Pub. : 2016-06 |