Detail Article

Jurnal Analisis Hubungan Internasional

ISSN 2302-8777

Vol. 3 / No. 1 / Published : 2014-03

Order : 14, and page :235 - 255

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Original Article :

Strategi advokasi owc, orip, dan opdp dalam upaya penyelesaian konflik penggusuran masyarakat ogiek di hutan mau 1990-2013

Author :

  1. Hayati Nufus*1
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Abstract :

This  study  examines  the success  of  the  strategy  of  OPDP compared  to the presence of two other NGOs, the OWC and ORIP in the fight for the rights ofindigenous  peoples Ogiek  in  Kenya  in  1990-2013.  This  study  is  based  on  the issuance of a decision by the African Court in 2013 marked the success of theOgiek community to maintain the land, and their cultural heritage to remain occupying  the  Mau  Forest. In  order  to  reach  this  decision,  the  Ogiekindigenous  NGO was formed  as  a  forum  for  shaping  force  in  calling  on  the government  to  stop  the  excision  of  land  distribution,  evictions  from the  MauForest Ogiek community. The NGOs have different  ways to achieve the goal. By using a three - dimensional model of the approach of NGO advocacy work,how  work  is  analyzed  through three  NGO  established  strategy,  which  is divided  into  networking,  public  support,  and  the  mass  movement. Thecreationorming  a  winning  strategy  suggests  that  the  local  NGO  OPDP  as achieving superior success the presence of two NGOs previously.

Keyword :

Ogiek Indigenous Peoples, networking, mass movement, public support, media arena,

References :

Kimiaiyo J.Towett,(2004) Ogiek Land Cases and Historical Injustices Nakuru Kenya : Ogiek Welfare Council

Keck and Sikkink,(1998) Activists Beyond Border. Advocacy Network in International Politics Itacha New York : Cornell University Press

MacFarlane, S. Neil,(1998) ‘Non-Governmental Organizations as Conflict Prevention Actors in Georgia’, in Gianni Bonvicini et al., eds., Preventing Violent Conflict: Issues from the Baltic and the Caucasus Baden-Baden : Nomos

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 3 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2014-03
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