Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik
ISSN Lama 0216-2407, Baru 2086-7050
Vol. 21 / No. 4 / Published : 2008-10
Order : 4, and page :306 - 317
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Original Article :
Perubahan ekosistem di lahan kering
Author :
- Rustinsyah*1
- Departemen Antropologi, FISIP, Universitas Airlangga
Abstract :
The capitalization of farming takes place due to the need of money and market demand. Therefore the peasants of coffee-plantation in mountainous area switched to cash-crops horticulture. Usually peasants of the dry land choose the cash-crops, using hybrid plant seeds and utilizing pesticide to get more benefit. This condition caused the damage of ecosystem and the decrease of ecosystem quality. This paper explains: 1) The process and factors that caused the damage of the ecosystem; 2) The effect and strategy to prevent damaged ecosystem. This research was done in 2004/2005 by using qualitative approach.
Keyword :
peasant, dry land, agriculture, change of farm, change of ecosystem.,
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Archive Article
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Volume : 21 / No. : 4 / Pub. : 2008-01 |